出生年份: 1909.6.26~1993.10年
擅 长: 书法,国画
毕业院校: 其他学校
创作年代 | 1966年57岁作 | 尺寸 | 95*179cm |
材质 | 纸本设色^-^Ink and colour on Xuan paper | 装裱 | |
题材 | 所属系列 | ||
作品描述 | 评点: 该图作于“文革”前夕,反映当时新建设的工业景象。烟雾与霞光相映照,可以解释为“蒸蒸日上”,这是一种服务于政治的倾向。合作者中,谢之光最具写实能力,油管、建筑大约主要出自其手,烟雾之类的勾皴烘染,可能是陆氏所为,唐云最后收拾残局并题款。该画的好处是,熔为一体,难分彼此。^-^Comments: This painting was done just before the cultural revolution,reflecting the industrial scene and images.Mists and dawn lights being supportive mutually: meaning tomorrow will be better.This is a form of political servitude.Amongst the artists Xie Zhiguang is best at detailing,such as oil pipes and buildings.Smokes amd mists outlining,textural strokes,composition and wash were probably done by Lu Yanshao.Tang Yun did the final touch up and inscription.The excellent point of this painting is the blending of brush strokes and skills and it is difficult to tell the differences. |
出生年份: 1909.6.26~1993.10年
擅 长: 书法,国画
毕业院校: 其他学校
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