出生年份: 1909.6.26~1993.10年
擅 长: 书法,国画
毕业院校: 其他学校
创作年代 | 1975年66岁作 | 尺寸 | 31*34.9cm |
材质 | 纸本设色^-^Ink and colour on Xuan paper | 装裱 | |
题材 | 所属系列 | ||
作品描述 | 词文: 九衢中,杯逐马,带随车。问谁解、爱惜琼华。何如竹外,静听窣窣蟹行沙。自怜是,海山头、种玉人家。纷如斗,娇如舞,才整整,又斜斜。要图画还我渔蓑。冻吟应笑,羔儿无分漫煎茶。起来极目,向弥茫、数尽归鸦。辛稼轩“上西平”,会稽秋风亭观雪。俨少并书。 评点: 此为末页,思绪万千的词人对雪吟咏,仅一句“向弥茫数尽归鸦”作了结语。其豪情应在词外,让你遐想。作者取宋人法为图,词画风格一致。陆俨少尚有小跋。表明对词人辛弃疾的情感——“既景慕其为人,又好其词章”。这种真情,正是造就这一精美词意画册的灵感和力量。难怪徐邦达先生称道:“直抉稼轩当时郁勃澎湃的豪情,幅幅精当,真可谓‘吾无间然矣’!”跋中谓词人为“法家”一语,应是那个特定时期的称谓。1975年正处于文革后期“评法批儒”阶段,法家被视为进步。^-^Comment: This is the last work of the whole album.Deep in meditation,the poet is watching the snowfall and singing his lyrics.“Alas I rise and look into the vast,but find returning crows coming so fast”.This is also the painter’s comment on this album.The poet’s aspiration and enthusiasm overflow his lyrics and leave us in endless reveries.The style is that of the Song Dynasty which quite matches the Song lyric style.In the postscript,Mr.Lu Yanshao expresses his admiration for Xin Qiji,the lyric poet: “I deeply admire Xin Qiji’s braveness and also love his tuned lyrics”.It’s the painter’s true sentiments which gave himself the inspiration and power to complete an album of such great beauty.It’s no wonder that Mr.Xu Bnagda wrote:“The painter directly depicts the lyric poet’s great passion in the album in which each work is a masterpiece.It’s quite true that ‘I have here no place to comment”.In the postscript,the painter also calls the poet a Legalist.He must be influenced by the political atmosphere of that period.In 1975,the great Cultural Revolution was in its last years and the Legalists were highly praised while the Confucianists were strongly critized.Thoughts of the Legalists were regarded as progressive. Notes: A school of thought in the Spring and Autumm and Warring States Period.770-221.B.C.E. |
出生年份: 1909.6.26~1993.10年
擅 长: 书法,国画
毕业院校: 其他学校
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