出生年份: 1909.6.26~1993.10年
擅 长: 书法,国画
毕业院校: 其他学校
创作年代 | 1977年68岁作 | 尺寸 | 91*48.5cm |
材质 | 纸本设色^-^Ink and colour on Xuan paper | 装裱 | |
题材 | 所属系列 | ||
作品描述 | 评点: 作此图时,俨少先生68岁,画风已从集大成的古典主义中突破,完成了后期变法,形成了鲜明的自我风格和体系。这应是他艺术历程中的第五个阶段,但这是最关键的一次变化,确定了他在中国绘画史上的地位。试看图中一片片墨块,一条条白带,似光,似气,似浮云,似流水?抑或石隙,草木……它是生动的,相互关联着,造成一种韵律——那正是大自然的生机! 这其中的某些新法,作者早在1964年就开始尝试了,而发展完成于文革后的七十年代中期。作者自题“以北宋人法写之,稍参己意”,其实仅取宋人大概,尽情发挥己意,运用新法,识者望而知之。^-^Comment: Mr Lu was 68 years old when this painting came to being.He achieved his artistic transformation of his later artistic phase by a complete breakthrough from the comprehensive expression of classicism.Thus he formed his own unique style.It is regarded as the fifth stage in his art career,a stage of crucial importance which determines his status in the history of Chinese ink and brush painting.A glance at the ink patches and the white bands in the painting;it is difficult to decide whether they are like light,air,clouds,flowing water,crevices in rocks,or grass and woods...The scene is lively,with a harmonious rhythm ?the vitality of Nature.Some new techniques used in the painting,with which the painter began to experiment in 1964,are brought to full development in the mid 1970s after the cultural revolution.His own inscription that “it was painted with techniques used by masters of the Song Dynasty and with slight merging of my own style”should be taken as that he drew the composition in the broad styles of the Song Dynasty’s masters,and yet gave full play to his own talents.The use of new techniques could be discerned by the initiated. |
出生年份: 1909.6.26~1993.10年
擅 长: 书法,国画
毕业院校: 其他学校
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